Saturday, May 31, 2008

Ass to Ass

Does her hat say "I'm Drunk"? Awesome!

Beer Me

I'm not a huge fan of Bud Light, but this chick could probably beat St. Pauli Girl's ass.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Tequila Makes her Libido go up

José has that effect on the ladies.

Drunk Girls Travel in Packs

Alright, drill time! Dark bras on the outside, asian chick in the middle, go, go, GO!

No Drinks on the Pool Table

Drunk bitches? Yeah, that's cool.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Drunken Aftermath

Way to hog the covers your heartless bitch!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Sippin' on some Totts

Some chicks just know how to properly get down.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Girl Meets Girl

Looks like Topanga (aka Danielle Fishel) has finally gotten over Corey Matthews. She's into chicks now...or at least when she's drunk at McFadden's.

Intense Cockblock

When a woman sets her sights on a man, she will even go as far as wedging herself between his crotch and the ass of another woman.

Scissor Mount

Yes, your man is flirting with the cocktail waitress while you're out there trying to get attention doing whatever the hell it is that you're doing...

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Desperate times call for desperate measures...I guess.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

This is not Sanitary!

...But it's pretty funny!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Balls Behind Her Ass

If you look closely...that's what that box says...and I think she knows it.

My Kind of Hotel Party!

Excellent execution!

Yeah She's Alright I Guess...

But what the fuck is Lonestar Light??? Is that seriously a beer? Lonestar? As in the lead character in Spaceballs?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ass Exposed Kegstand

Looks like the spotters don't mind too much.

Sweaty Makeout Sesh

I hope these two wore their Secret to the club.

Monday, May 12, 2008

My Kind of Woman!

Bravo! Five Stars! Out of a pitcher, no less!

Marilyn Monroe?

Maybe there's a fan on the floor...hard to tell...probably not though.

Lesbian Wedding

If you've never been to one, here's what you're missing out on. Cheers!

Girls Making Out Key

After one drink:

...After 4+ drinks:

If you are currently sober, you will notice that as they get drunker, they also become less attractive. This phenomenon is often overlooked in the bar scene.

Vagina Fest II

Women DO outnumber men on this planet, you know...but who the fuck taught them how to open a 24 pack?

Girl on Girl Domination

Drinks in the picture? Negative...drunk behavior? 10-4!

Gotta Love Drunk College Girls!

And the blond on the left certainly isn't messing around. She means business.

Outdoor Festival Boozing

Sorry baby, looks like you switched to water a tad bit too late!

Tipsy Zombie Chicks

Normally, I would suspect some sort of body shots going on in a situation like this...but I just don't see any liquor. So...apparently these are just hot zombie girls pouncing on fresh meat.

Piss Drunk!

You know, I've had nervous moments when checking my balance at an ATM before. Especially if I had a date waiting in the car...but this girl really needs to relax.But is going to the ATM a priority over going to the damn bathroom? Maybe when she finally found a bathroom, it required a quarter, and she just didn't have any cash.

Are these Girls Really Drunk?

Survey says....yes!!!

Now I know exactly what you're thinking. You're like "WTF Hoes Exposed? What's up with that stupid smiley covering the nipple slip???" I understand that it's frustrating, but this is not an adult site. So, in order to keep it wide open for everyone to see, certain parts of the female anatomy must unfortunately be censored. Even though in real life, drunk girl boobs simply can't wait to taste the open air around them. But don't worry, we're not gonna do you like that. Assuming of course you are of legal age to view unadulterated nipples, check out the uncensored image here.

Drunk Girl Laughing and Having a Ball

Say what you will about this partially exposed drunk young woman, she's having the time of her life!

Jessica Simpson Drunk?

We're not big on celebrity pics here, it's just not our thing. But this one was too good to pass up. For all we know it might not even be real, but we choose to believe that it is. This is definitely the coolest picture of Jessica Simpson that I've ever seen. Who knew she partied like that?

A Couple More Drunk Young Ladies

Looks like the second girl's boobs are trying to call for a taxi.

Tailgate Party?

Looks like perhaps her and the beer had an argument.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Heineken Eruption

In the interest of keeping this site relatively decent, no further comment will be made about this picture.

The Consequences of Passing Out

They used to only apply to guys, but now not even the ladies are safe. Regardless of gender, never ever be the first one to pass out!
PS Yes, that's a Christmas tree on her cheek.

Remarkable Form!

This is one drunk girl with style. Some girls hug the toilet for years and never develop such a perfect form!

That's class!

Looks like the taxi didn't make it in time. It also appears that a friend of the exposed girl on the sidewalk may have been trying to cover her up, but luckily she was intercepted by that guy before she could ruin the photo op!

Drunk Chicks Making Out in a Bar

Here we have two young ladies, most likely in college, doing some serious making out at a bar. Nothing too unusual going on here. Notice how the guys slowly start moving in and circling them like zombies.

That's a Real Friend!

After a night of heavy drinking, this girl still had the decency to cover up her passed out friend. But wait...where the heck is her middle finger?

Vagina Fest

Pretty good ratio at this party. Although there is no alcohol that can be spotted in the image, I think it's pretty safe to say that these ladies are indeed really drunk girls.

Top Ten Signs She's Had a Few Too Many

10) She starts sweating more than usual.

9) She starts talking way louder than usual.

8) She begins drinking from the bottle and looking around to see who is noticing.

7) She continues drinking from the bottle, unconcerned with who is watching.

6) Every goddamn song is her favorite song.

5) Her short bursts of dance grow more frequent, each complete with an even fiercer pouting of the lips.

4) She will find any and every way to steer the conversation to her boobs.

3) She insists she is only laying on the floor because it's so comfortable.

2) Taco Bell becomes a number one priority.

1) She barfs all over your car and blames it on the Taco Bell.

Who Needs a Chaser?

When you've got yourself some pringles??? There's nothing sexier than a chick with an intoxicating blend of vodka and sour cream n' onion on her breath!

Oh Man, This is Hard to Watch!

We all know that a little bit of alcohol can loosen is also proven to make girls speak way louder than normal. Here is an awful demonstration of the potential consequences of girls getting drunk and mouthing off!

Kiss Me Right Now Skinny Blond Woman first it appears to be just another picture of two drunk girls making out...but a closer inspection reveals a ring on the ring finger of the blond chick! Does her man know about this bisexual encounter??? Probably not. But if he could see the look on the face of that random mexican guy in the background, he would know it was worth it.

Efficiency in the Barf Place

A night of wild debauchery can soon turn to bottom of the barrel toilet hugging. In some cases, those who are anticipating a yak fest are presented with the dilemma of simultaneously needing to evacuate their ass. This young lady brilliantly solved the problem! least she passed out with her boots on.

The Beach is too Crowded

Lets just dance around the living room! Woo! Uhoh...I pissed my shorts!